Endcliffe Park and Whiteley Woods are next to each other, so you can do both walks in one go, or just one depending on the amount of time you want to spend there.
The entrance to Endcliffe Park is on the roundabout at the end of Ecclesall Road (A625). Parking around here can be very busy on a nice day, as well as during school holidays and weekends. There are loads of bus services that come near, so it's a great place to go if you don't drive. But this area is also used for work parking. I usually park on Rustlings Road, if there's space. There is a small car park but its very unlikely you'll get a space unless the weather is really dull. The car park (road) is at the beginning of Rustlings Road (nearest to the roundabout) alongside Hallamshire Tennis & Squash Club (S11 7AA).
More often then not, we skip Endcliffe Park and just do Whiteley Woods, as with the name, it's more woodland than park and so not usually as busy as Endcliffe (although still fairly busy).
If you're not doing both, or dont mind walking back on yourself, then you can park Oakbrook Road (S11 7EA) for Whiteley Woods, as the entrance to that is at the other end of Rustlings Road.
What's on offer?
- Water (shallow, both)
- Kids play area (Endcliffe)
- Woodland (Whiteley Woods)
- Cafe (Endcliffe)
- Flat terrain (Both, but Endcliffe more so)
- *bike hazard*
Endcliffe park has stepping stones a kids play area, as well as a cafe and an open field all in one spot. Great for the family day out!
There are 2 routes in endcliffe park, the front main route, past the playground and cafe, and the back way which separates you by a small stream from the main area. This tends to be a bit muddier, and is our preferred route.
The main cafe near the playground is nice but often very very busy with lots of kids and family's.
There is sometimes a small fair here too, with a bouncy castle and some teacup style rides.
Both places have shallow waters, which is why taking Izzy here when she was a puppy got her used to water, as she could stand and not have to swim - great for young dogs, and old! (there is a bit near the entrance that's quite deep, so keep an eye on your dog if it can't swim, but no other that I'm aware of)
When Izzy was a puppy she'd only venture in water that she could stand in, so this was great to break her into it. Now, however, she loves to actually swim, so it's not one of favourite places to go personally, to tick our boxes, but could be the perfect fit for you and your dog.
There are hazards in Whiteley Woods to watch out for as there is cycling routes, and a bit of the path actually has a cycling path drawn on it. So if like Izzy, your dog isnt good with bikes, this might be a lead walk for you. It's also very popular for joggers and children.

Be aware that you will occationally come to a road you have to cross to carry on after Endcliffe Park, and at intervals in Whiteley Woods. You can usually see it before you get there but if your dog likes to wander off ahead, be extra vigilant if you're letting them off lead. Be very careful on this road as there is quite a sharp bend and cars come very quickly round it.
This photo is taken on one of said roads.
Overall this is a very nice scenic walk, in the middle of a populated area, great for making a full day of it, or even if you just want to pop out for a hour as you can make this walk as short or as long as you like. It's mainly a flat walk, so good for push chairs (Endcliffe), children and people who generally prefer flat terrain, which lets face it, is hard to come by in Sheffield!
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